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To qualify for application to the program, 学生必须已完成(成绩为C或更高)或目前就读于以下课程 prerequisite courses:

HMGT 120-Food Service Sanitation

HMGT 223-Fundamentals of Baking

(Substitutions for courses completed at other institutions may be accepted; see department for details.)

Selective admission programs are not eligible for the 60+ reduced tuition rate.

Application Deadline

For consideration by the faculty selection committee, complete application packets must be submitted by 3月30日, 同一日历年秋季学期开始入学.

所有申请将由教师选拔委员会进行审查和评分. 评分完成后,排名前32位的考生将被邀请参加面试. 面试分数将与录取包分数相结合,并根据总分对候选人进行排名.


Once the initial offers are made, 被选中的候选人将有两周的时间接受或通知选拔委员会他们打算在秋季注册该计划.

两周后仍未被录用的职位,将按照排名由高到低的顺序分配给其他合格的候选人, 和 these c和idates will then have two weeks to accept.  This process will continue until all positions are filled.

Application Materials

Required contents of the application packet:

Download the Application Selection Criteria

  1. 完整的 official application form (PDF).
  2. Unofficial transcripts. (15分)

These must include all pertinent college 经验 show enrollment in or completion of the two prerequisite courses.  (目前注册的预科课程的学生必须以C或更高的成绩成功完成这些课程才能被录取.)所有以前的教育将被考虑,糕点和烘焙课程将获得更高的分数, culinary courses 和 other hospitality courses.  遴选委员会保留根据需要要求提交正式成绩单的权利.

Short Essay (35 points)

C和idates should address the following topics, each as a 单独的 页面.  所有的信件都应该打印出来,双倍行距,并使用英语写作和语法的标准规则.

  1. 解释至少两个你的长期专业和/或职业目标,以及赌钱app可以微信提现糕点/烘焙证书课程如何帮助你实现这些目标.
  2. 描述个人和/或专业特点,使你从其他候选人中脱颖而出.
  3. 定义两个个人或专业优势和两个个人或专业劣势. 解释一下你认为赌钱app可以微信提现糕点/烘焙课程是如何增强你的优势和改善你的弱点的.
  4. Identify 和 explain at least one current pastry/baking trend, new product or cutting-edge skill or technique. 讨论专业的面包师或糕点师如何以及在哪里成功地利用这一点. 描述你如何在赌钱app可以微信提现糕点/烘焙证书课程中学习或使用这些知识.
  5. 说明你被录取将如何改善该课程其他学生的教育体验.
  6. 描述一下你对烘焙和糕点专业或行业在十年后的设想,并解释你认为会发生什么变化.
的简历 (25分)

的简历 assistance is available through the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Career Development Center.

面试者的专业外表和所有工作经验都可以加分,分数越高越好 相关的 经验. 在烘焙店有两年工作经验的求职者会比在工程公司有五年工作经验的求职者得到更高的评价.  Experience in the hospitality industry is highly regarded.

One or more letters of recommendation (25分)

在信中表现出的质量和热情可以加分。. More points are earned from letters written by former employers, 其次是以前的老师写的,最后是个人推荐. Letters that describe a strong work ethic, 可靠性(特别是出勤记录)和工作热情将受到高度重视.

Bonus content that can add extra points:

  1. Proof of Johnson County, Kansas residency. (5分)
  2. Proof of residency in other Kansas counties or Missouri. (3分)
  3. 完成赌钱app可以微信提现课程的成绩单,HMGT 123-专业烹饪I. (grade of C=2 points, B=4 points, A=6 points)
  4. 成绩单显示完成赌钱app可以微信提现课程,HMGT 240-高级烘焙. (grade of C=2 points, B=4 points, A=6 points)
  5. 成绩单显示完成赌钱app可以微信提现课程,HMGT 248-糖果艺术. (grade of C=2 points, B=4 points, A=6 points)
  6. 以前提交的申请程序,申请人没有被录取. (10 points for each previous submission)


In person interview. (50分)

The interview will last approximately 15-20 minutes. 每年四月在世界卫生协会会议室安排面谈. Only in extreme circumstances will digital interviews be allowed via Zoom.

每个申请人都会被问到同样的问题,面试官会给他们打分.  Questions will cover knowledge of the field, student challenges, 团队合作, 沟通, sanitation issues 和 specific situational scenarios. 面试官将尝试辨别以下个人和专业特征,这些特征在录取过程中很有价值,因为它们是潜在学生成功的证明指标:

  • 候选人专业、风度翩翩、态度积极.
  • 他们会发现别人的优点,支持别人的成功,就像他们努力争取成功一样.
  • The c和idate is an active listener 和 participates in the classroom/kitchen setting; answering instructor’s questions 和 participating in class discussions.
  • The c和idate can accept professional, constructive criticism in the spirit of learning 和 underst和ing.
  • 该候选人具有卓越的“软技能”,能够在专业的厨房环境中与他人合作.
  • The c和idate possesses manual dexterity 和 tactile sensitivity.
  • The c和idate is able 和 willing to st和 for extended periods of time, lift heavy objects, 当面包店的体力需求一个人无法应付时,他不怕寻求帮助.
For more information, email Damian Fraase or call, 913-469-8500 ext. 3613.