
Tax information required for verification purposes will be listed under the student’s financial aid requirements. There are various ways to access your tax information that will provide us with an acceptable form of the documentation needed to move forward with processing. 方法如下:

  1. 通过FAFSA在线: 
    The easiest way to submit your tax information to our office is by using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. However, this option may not be available to all tax filers. 参考联邦学生援助 Simple Steps to Transfer 税务信息 Into Your FAFSA Form.

  2. Signed copy of federal taxes that were filed with the IRS:
    Submit a SIGNED copy of your federal taxes, including all schedules. Be sure your handwritten signature is visible in the "Sign Here" section before submitting to us.
  3. Online request to get transcript online immediately: 
    去 IRS获取成绩单 然后选择“在线获取成绩单”.” This option may not be available to all tax filers. The information you provide must match what is on record with the IRS to retrieve your information.  通过网上系统,您可以获得:
    • 报税表
    • 核实未存档
    • 工资及入息成绩单
  1. 在线申请通过邮件获得成绩单:
    去 IRS获取成绩单 并选择“以邮寄方式获取成绩单”.”  Be sure to request a “Tax Return Transcript.”

    核实未存档 and Wage and Income Statements are not available with this method. The transcript is generally received within 10 days from the IRS's receipt of the request. If your address has changed since your taxes were filed, do not use this method. Instead, request it through the 纸质申请表格.

  2. 纸质申请表格:
    邮寄或传真 国税局4506-T表. The transcript is generally received within 10 business days from the IRS's receipt of the request. Be sure to have this mailed directly to your address first. Once you receive it, you can provide us a copy with your student ID included. 透过此表格,你可获得:
    • 纳税申报表-复选框6a
    • 核实不存档-复选框7
    • 工资和收入成绩单-复选框8
  1. 通过电话:
    使用国税局的免费电话号码 1-800-908-9946 按照语音提示操作. 一定要订购一份“纳税申报表”.”

    核实未存档 and Wage and Income Statements are not available with this method. The transcript is generally received within 10 days from the IRS's receipt of the request.

Having issues with your address through the IRS? 
You may need to update your address on file with them. 了解如何 向国税局更新你的地址.

Be sure to monitor your student email account and check your missing financial aid requirements frequently during the verification process. If you amended your tax return or requested an extension, there are requirements other than the tax return transcript or original tax forms that must be submitted. Please contact our office for assistance and any questions.


An individual who filed an amended IRS income tax return for the tax year required 必须提供:

A signed copy of the IRS Form 1040X, “Amended U.S. 个人所得税申报表,” that was filed with the IRS or documentation from the IRS that include the change(s) made by the IRS (you may be required to have this document stamped by the IRS); 下列之一:

  • IRS DRT information on FAFSA record with all tax information from the original tax return; OR
  • A signed copy of the federal taxes that were filed with the IRS; OR
  • A IRS Tax Return Transcript (that will only include information from the original tax return and does not have to be signed), or any other IRS tax transcript(s) that includes all of the income and tax information required to be verified.


An individual who is required to file an IRS income tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS beyond the automatic six-month extension for the tax year, 必须提供:                         

  • A copy of IRS Form 4868, ‘‘Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. 个人所得税申报表,’’ that was filed with the IRS.
  • A copy of the IRS’s approval of an extension beyond the automatic six-month extension for the tax year.
  • 核实未存档 Letter (confirmation that the tax return has not yet been filed) from the IRS or other relevant tax authority dated on or after October 1.
  • A copy of IRS Form W–2 for each source of employment income received or an equivalent document for the tax year; and
  • 如果自由职业者, a signed statement certifying the amount of the individual’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and the U.S. 该纳税年度已缴纳的所得税.



依赖学生 -如果你工作,提交所有收到的W-2s表格.

Parents, Independent students, and/or Spouses 

  • 核实未存档 letter from IRS dated after Oct. 1,
  • 美国国税局的工资和收入成绩单.


Any individual who is a victim of IRS tax-related theft 必须提供:

  • A Tax Return DataBase View (TRDBV) transcript obtained from the IRS, or any other IRS tax transcript(s) that includes all of the income and tax information required to be verified; and
  • A statement signed and dated by the tax filer indicating that he or she was a victim of IRS tax-related identity theft and that the IRS is aware of the tax-related identity theft.

联络国税局: 1-800-908-4490 for specialized assistance with IRS tax-related identity theft.