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Individuals interested in enrolling in 清晰的 (College Learning Experiences, Activities and Resources) will need to meet certain criteria.

清晰的 Program Attendance Criteria

All students must be Kansas residents and meet the following attendance criteria.  Prospective students must schedule a new student interview by calling the 清晰的 office at 913-469-7890.

A prospective student must be a Kansas resident and will be expected to meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be currently or were formerly eligible for special education and related services due to an intellectual or developmental disability or autism spectrum disorder.
  2. Able to communicate with others verbally, through sign language or communication device with enough expressive language to advocate for themselves in both routine and unplanned situations (i.e., lost on campus, medical emergency, etc.).
  3. Able to follow instructions.
  4. Able to participate in small group activities.
  5. Able to sit through a one-hour class without assistance.
  6. Able to attend to a specific task independently for a minimum 10-minute period.
  7. Free from behavior that would be disruptive or inappropriate in a classroom.
  8. Able to transport and take medications independently.
  9. Does not require extensive supervision for acute or chronic medical conditions, such as special diets or seizures.
  10. Free of physical or verbal aggression for the past two years.
  11. Free of sexually aggressive or inappropriate behavior for the past two years.
  12. Able to maintain personal self-care and hygiene independently.
  13. No history in the past two years of leaving a pre-arranged area without verbal acknowledgment of the change to staff or a family member.

Expansion Classes Criteria

Clear weekday Expansion classes are open to adults, 岁18-26, with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a personal desire to continue their education in a post-secondary environment, but who may not be successful in college-level credit classes. 

To attend 清晰的 Expansion classes, students must:

  • Meet the 清晰的 attendance criteria
  • Be 18 to 26 years old
  • Read at a second grade level