

Getting involved helped Spencer Nemecek succeed.

This year, more than 23,000 children will age out of the U.S. 寄养制度. Only around 3% will obtain a college degree – and now 赌钱app可以微信提现 graduate Spencer Nemecek is one of them.

From the very beginning, Spencer was motivated to succeed in college.

“I didn’t want to be another statistic,他说. “I didn’t want to be another person lost in the numbers of people who age out of foster care that don’t end up living a life that is fulfilling and living up to our potential.”

梅勒妮·罗伯茨, 赌钱app可以微信提现顾问, says youths aging out of foster care face several barriers to higher education.

majority of these youth are on their own,” she said. “y lack a stable support system, which makes navigating finances and their education difficult. Many work full-time, it’s tough to balance school and work.”

Pete Belk, director of Recruitment and 招收ment Strategy, agrees. “Students aging out of the 寄养制度 have endured many obstacles throughout their life,他说. “As they embark on their future, attending college should not be an unsurmountable barrier.”

Former foster students are eligible for a state tuition waiver, but more support is needed. 渴望有所作为, Melanie took a sabbatical to examine how to better assist former foster care students.

“ research shows having a point of contact is important,” she said. “Someone who the student can go to for help navigating financial aid, 资源, 以及他们的职业道路.”

赌钱app可以微信提现’s counselors seem well-equipped for such a role. In fact, one counselor had already set the process in motion.

Find your people with on-campus involvement

Spencer enrolled at 赌钱app可以微信提现 after aging out of the 寄养制度.

“I chose 赌钱app可以微信提现 because I had heard great things about the College from many people,他说. “y told me such it is a great place to start out, with smaller and more intimate classroom sizes and intentional professor that seek the best for the students.

Through the local organization FosterAdoptConnect, 他和一位导师配对, 现已退休的赌钱app可以微信提现顾问戴夫·埃利斯.

Dave became Spencer’s point of contact, helping him acclimate to college life and find opportunities to get involved. Finding his on-campus fit turned out to be key for Spencer and his success.

“Through a community called Saint Paul’s Outreach, 天主教校园事工, I have found a group of people that have cared for me and seen me as I really am,斯宾塞说. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to have met them at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

Spencer’s time at 赌钱app可以微信提现 was a resounding success—he is graduating with his Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts and a strong network of support.

“ best thing about 赌钱app可以微信提现 is the people, the communities, clubs and organizations,他说. “I really love how active we can be outside of our classes and can feel welcomed, seen, heard.”


After his experience beating the odds, Spencer aspires give back to his community.

“My plan after graduation is to work as a youth minister and eventually go on to open a foster care ministry to care for children in need, 就像我一样,他说.

As Melanie’s research has shown, a support system is crucial for students like Spencer. While it can be difficult to start a conversation, Spencer says the end result is worth it.

“Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk with people,他说. “ right community and friend group might just change your life. 我知道我也是这样!”

Take advantage of 赌钱app可以微信提现’s resource-rich institution. 与 关心辅导员, 无尽的参与机会, 一个为你的成功奉献的校园你会成为一名出色的骑士.



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